My Medium Profile Is Filled With Crap

Am I just a bad writer?

Joe Tooley
2 min readOct 13, 2020

I’ve been on Medium for a long time, a paid member on and off for the past few years. I wouldn’t say that I have a large catalog of stories, especially compared to some, but it’s not small either.

I recently rejoined the paid membership, hoping to have a spark of amazing writing that would help me finally crack the code to this site.

As I prepared for topics to write about, the continuous improvement professional in me figured it would be beneficial to evaluate what I had published before. And so it goes.


Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

I hate it, all of it. Nothing stands out to me as great. Some of its… okay, but that’s not good enough.

The one story I have that did well, far beyond anything I had written, I never followed up on, never kept pushing.

The rest are stabs in the dark, trying to find what voice I had and it’s clear to me that I had none. I had no authority in my writing, no confidence, no need to share.

What’s the issue then?



Joe Tooley

Industrial/Organizational Psychologist. Soccer Enthusiast. Reader. Writer.