Realizing What You Majored In Has Nothing To Do With Your Dream

Fighting your way out

Joe Tooley
4 min readAug 30, 2019

If you would have asked me what my dream job was 10 years ago the answer would have been to play soccer. Of course, at a certain point, that dream collapsed. I went through most of college without clinging to a new dream job. I double majored and had a plan, but I generally just thought of that plan as getting a job and having hobbies. Making enough money to do the things that I enjoy.

After 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of graduate school, I found myself in a career. The only issue, it has nothing to do with my new dream job.

If you’ve checked out any of my other articles you’d notice that I have a dream to write novels. Something that I am very (very) slowly trying to achieve.

Working a full-time job to pay bills while I also work to achieve my goals on the side kind of sucks. It means I have less time to work on what I want to work on. It means that after I make my way home after work, workout, make and eat dinner I’m probably exhausted. Not only does this mean less productivity, but it also leads to a kind of depression.



Joe Tooley

Industrial/Organizational Psychologist. Soccer Enthusiast. Reader. Writer.